Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The consent of the governed

"The Consent of the Governed"
That in a nutshell is the power of the government, and that power is derived from We the People. That is basically what happens whenever a candidate comes and ASKS us , for our vote, they ask for the consent to represent us , the people and to govern us and we , the people choose whom we will allow to govern and represent us , to the government. Now hopefully , this choice is thought out researched and thoroughly tested by the voters own individual beliefs. This is true from the smallest form of government to the halls of the federal government they ASK us,and we choose.`
Ok , the candidate , gets the consent with the vote , and now represents not just those that have voted for them , but the entire group, They are responsible to all the voters , not just those that voted them into office. This is a job now of trying to represent people of differing ideas and goals, and the now elected official has a hard job, especially if they wish to remain in office.
most times , people will just wait until the next election cycle , and if the elected official hasn't done anything that would have made the voters act sooner , wait? what can the voters do before an election cycle?if their elected officials are going counter to , what the voters want? Well that is dependant on each individual states election laws and what is said in each States Constitution, you see , contained in the laws of the States , and in the states Constitutions , there are mechanisms to remove an elected official from office, and it is up to an individual to research and know what to do if such becomes the case. The Government isn't going to tell you that though , and if the elected official has more support , than detractor , its an exercise in futility, so most will wait for an election cycle to remove an ineffective or contrary candidate. So knowing where to look and what you can do is ultimately your responsibility, and i cannot go into detail what every different state can do , because each state is different in what they say ,its best if you look yourself for your individual state.
What i see though is people have become complacent and remained silent , not realizing that their silence is consent as well,another problem i see is that once elected , the representatives , in their juggling act of trying to represent the entire population , have to compromise to do the most good they can for the most amount of people they represent , its an automatic move towards the opposition from stated beliefs be it to the left or right , and if they don't move , they risk re election.
This is but a brief touch on what the subject is , so in conclusion , it is our consent that the candidates ask for , and we either give it to them or we don't through our votes , and there are mechanisms in the Law and government , to remove that Consent if we the people so choose, but ultimately its up to us , we can speak or remain silent , but again silence is a consent all its own, so talk to your representatives , let them know what you think , otherwise , they will be left to decide themselves , and if they continue to go against the peoples wishes , if there is enough , things can always be changed.
The best way to get the best government is an educated populus.

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