Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Musings and food for thought for the future potential Revolutionary War heros

I do not think i can remember a time , that some faction hasn't been calling for armed resistance or action, least not in my lifetime. Usually these calls come from the fringe elements , from those that personally i can never seem to find a commonality with. And nowadays its no different, there are still some out there , that make such calls and of course when they get no action, usually go off grumbling that , people are stupid , unpatriotic and generally cant understand why their call is not answered.
I myself , on these self same pages have advised that people need to have plans for themselves and communities, to get ready so to speak for any eventuality and that i think is prudent mainly because those that have a plan will probley be the ones that need the least help.
To address what i call the John Brown syndrome, those people calling for armed and open response to what they think is wrongs done by anyone and wish to start the fight on their terms and in places of their choosing.My advise , would be you better think long and hard. especially if your going to move your operation away from your own locality, because , you may have to contend with how the people in your chosen area of operations will perceive you,will you be viewed as a warrior of right? or an out of state interloper? how would you view someone that came into your state to start crap?In my humble opinion , that's a good way to start getting shot at from ALL sides, and frankly , in my view , i would look at such an excursion , about the same as i would the use of UN troops to enforce anything, as an invasion.
Besides , if the situation ever gets to the point of armed insurrection, every ones gonna be too busy locally making the needed preparations to insure their own survival
and the survival of their own communities,anyone that thinks that action in one state is going to generate a mobilization from another , to come to their aide , I'm afraid is sadly mistaken if anything , it will make others see to the preparations in their own state and community, so thoughts of riding in and being hailed as heroes , is pretty far fetched , and is the stuff of movie lore , not factual happenings.so as far as I'm concerned , don't be expecting to see folks from where I'm located fighting in the hills of another state, cuz we may be busy preparing our own defenses in that case. you would do better to have plans for your own locale , at least there you can have some semblance of logistics and support.
This is of course ,entirely hypothetical, and strictly my own personal opinion, but i think it is prudent thought that , some folks , may not see things the same way and view things differently than some of those that wish to start something.

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