Sunday, November 29, 2009

My Musing on "the line" that can't be crossed

Ive been doing some thinking as of late, what with the current attitudes in politics, the current attitude i see simply in the small town , and cafes i live in. the change in my town isn't as alarming as one would thing , being i live in a very conservative area, but the political attitude both state and federal do sort of surprise me, there is , not seems to be a very large divide on the national scene,that if not addressed and allowed to continue on the course its taking will eventually lead to consequences I nor anyone else really want, but no choices are really being left.
The local changes , are very easily fixed though with the electoral process,its a matter of holding our local elected officials to account for their votes , and if we still don't agree , we the people can simply decline to consent to their governing , when they again ask for permission , that's basically what happens when you cast a vote you give your consent for that particular candidate to govern.
On the national level , things are a bit more complex, you cannot expect to have 50 separate states , decide to send over 400 elected officials to a single district ,and expect them to agree, i don't think it has ever really happened.even with the drafting of our own Constitution,that's why our Constitution was a compromise effort , and is the best anyone could actually hope for, and i do know there is no way we can get over 300 million people to agree on exactly what that constitution dictates as to delegated powers even though it spells out precisely what those powers are. the problem i do see is the congress are allowed to pass laws with no citizen approval, because simple sending a rep to dc , doesn't necessarily mean your going to agree with the job they are doing, and frankly , people need to wake up[ and realize , they are the bosses , not the elected officials , remember con cent of the governed , and that consent is contingent on the people , not a single vote every so often.It is our responsibility as citizens to inform our elected officials , what we want them to do , not to leave the playing field open for them , to interpret and do as they , or the national party dictate, if you want your reps to buck the party, which a lot of reps want to as is evidence when either party had control and the amount of reps voted against their own national party , which is it should be , the reps we send to dc , should be representing us , we the people , not the party , not the nation,not special interest groups or lobbyist, they represent the individual states they were elected to serve , and its time to remind some of them of that , now if that means removing them from office by recall, or just voting them out , that's entirely up to the citizens , and its the citizens that will have to start doing that, government wont do that for you, what government will do however , is gain more power if you the citizens allow it.
An example of this can be found in the Patriot act , the current healthcare legislation in congress , and the litany list of laws and regulations , both federal and state and local that curtail we the peoples rights. i don't think anyone cannot think of an example.
I was an enlisted member of the US Armed forces , and that oath , did not have any expiration date , and the only problem that i have with it being an open ended oath, meaning it never expires, is the clause in it to follow the orders of the president of the US and the officers appointed over me, well I am no longer a military member on the payroll of the government,I gain nor receive any benefit nor compensation, my obligation of service as laid out in us code , has been fulfilled , so , even though that oath did not expire, i have taken my oath before god , to do as a civilian , exactly the same as the oath of enlistment or for any office in this land , and i have consciously excluded following the orders of the president or officers, because unless i consent , they are not my officers, yet i still swear to protect the document that is the core of our governmental processes , that codifies our natural and god given rights. No man , nor group of men have the power to strip those inalienable rights from you , unless you allow them to.
So as in an earlier post i ask where your personal line in the sand will be , what line will you not be allowed to cross? its time again for we the people to think and decide , and the decision is only one that you can make for yourself.
Personally , i will keep my oath , and follow the tenets of the oathkeepers with the 10 orders they will NOT follow. They espouse a non violent approach and they mean it , they aren't looking for a fight , they want to remind the government , in the cases they say they wont do , the government will not have cooperation or support locally, something i have no problem with, there are many ways to and ideas on how to let the government know they are going down the wrong road.The problem i see with this approach , is people will be getting arrested, because there is no threat of any consequence other than public opinion, and we see how public opinion can be manipulated.

Another tenet out there is that of the 3%ers, no real organization exists, you will find no rolls , no organizational charts , or charter, what it is is an idea, an idea that the Second Amendment is an individual right , and it is not violable, by anyone, and if anyone should try to violate the right to keep and bear arms they should be met with resistance , and there is no limit on what that resistance may be. Another tenet of the 3%er if they will not fire the first shot, they will defend themselves. against anyone that attempts to by use of force disarm them.

So as you see , there are groups out there, and as i said in the previous post you have to do some checking into their background and beliefs as to what they are and stand for, and the choice is ultimately yours , as to what you will do, just as ultimately its your choice , as to where you will put the line you will not cross, and that is a very personal choice , but one i think if you haven't already made, should be thinking about now. Because after you realize a line has been crossed , its hard if not imposable to push that line back to where you want it to be. Hopefully you've got something to think about.

UPDATE: After a google search , there is a Threepercenter group out there , and scuttle butt is there may be one starting in Texas,as with anything , i only say check things out , to make sure its what you think it is.In other words research.

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