Thursday, December 17, 2009

Musing on what is a Domestic Enemy

A very interesting question, what is a Domestic Enemy as purported to in regards to the US Constitution.
I think this question is a very good one to provoke thought, because , there will be as many answers as there are people asked, and they will answer following along their beliefs. So if i leave something out, feel free to add whatever your thoughts are as well.
To me , being a Constructionist/Constitutionalists, A domestic enemy is anyone , that would use legislation,intimidation, majority , or use force to advance their agenda of compliance to their will that circumvents , nullifies or outright voids those protections offered by the US Constitution, anyone that over reaches the constitutional limits, imposed by said document up to and including using it against itself. anyone that would infringe on any personal rights , using the legislative or any other process.simply put , if it cannot pass a simple constitutionality test it cant be done.
Ok that's to start the ball rolling , and a very quick thought on what a potential domestic enemy could be , it is in no means the only definition, by DHS standards , my beliefs make me a potential domestic enemy, so to to the SPLC< OR any other alphabet group out there. so the answer , is going to be entirely up to what your views and beliefs say , not mine.or theirs.

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