Friday, December 4, 2009

Musings on more than 1 iron in the fire

Last couple of posts , I have been talking about oaths, association with groups , and some of my general thoughts and beliefs, and basically have been in a rather cantankerous and pissy mood with but 1 respondent over at another site , which i allowed to let, drive a message away from what i was intending to impart as my opinion.and we all readily understand opinions are that opinions , and they are alot like a certain body part, everyone has them.
Ill let it be known right now , that i support the stance of Oath keepers , meaning its stated mission to reach those , that will if it ever happens be called upon to enforce unconstitutional orders, i do believe that the RTI of Oath keepers is a very useful tool to change the perception some of those folks tasked view things.
If we can reach these folks , and teach them what we believe, and convince them that we are right, and then inspire them to talk with those in their circle and reach and teach themselves , maybe things wont get too bad if it ever comes to it.
That being said there is nothing thast says ,one cannot follow a belief and act accordingly and be not having an alternate plan in the case your initial one either fails , or just isn't enough. Any one that thinks there is only one course , and puts all there hopes in 1 course of action without a back up plan , is ,in my humble opinion is deluding themselves, the old saying don't put all your eggs in 1 basket.In previous posts i talked about the drawing of lines being an individual choice , as they are , and i said nothing about how many or where anyone should be drawing them , i will not presume to make choices for others, because individual circumstances vary, and frankly , some folks may not be comfortable having to make choices at this moment for something that may never come to pass. or may want to wait until they are pressed into making a choice, and eventually , i am very sure, at some point , a choice will need to be made. I just hope that when the choices are being thought of that its made on facts , research and a strong belief that the choice needs to be made and that they are making the correct one, and only they will know that.So in conclusion, personally i think as you can see i have more than 1 iron in the fire as far as what i see to be the truth on some subjects, and that not every thing is the same for every one, and that i think that that is entirely allowable. What do you think?

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