Friday, November 13, 2009


I think I will borrow a topic from the war on guns blogsite. I will admit , i had never heard the term only ones before , but after some concerted thought , i can see a correlation here. If you adhere to the fallacy that the only ones that NEED to be armed is those that are considered to be those charged with enforcement of the law my take is the person that thinks that is living in a land of sugarplum fairies, and frankly my sincere hope is that nothing bad ever happens to them, but the lord does look after fools and idiots it seems , but would you want to trust in that
Now i live , in one of the last vestiges , od what this country once was , in definitely what one would call a rural citizen , basically mind my own business , and expect others to respect my right to be left alone, but that doesn't seem to be the norm anymore. A lot of the lefts ideas that only the law enforcement officer or military should be the only ones with guns is , something to me an alien concept. As a former military member , and military policeman , i cannot really understand the logic of wanting to disarm people that have not done anything to warrant the revocation of the god given right to defend oneself, even the argument that civilized folks don't act violently doesn't carry water with me , as proof look at the GOP convention last yr, real civilized folks there, or maybe any of the lefts protests or "peace" marches , hell , just look at how so called "civilized " folks act when their favorite sports team wins or looses a championship, definite candidates for "thinning of the herd" there
Noe as for those only ones, well during Bill Clintons presidency ,. the rights of military members to be armed was severely curtailed , in 1 fell swoop he mandated that , the ruling authority on a military base could no longer decide who could and who could not bear arms while on the base, so the very person responsible enough to run the day to day goings on , could no longer decide if their personnel were trustworthy enough to trust with arms, you see i was in during the 80's and usually on a Strategic base , and more than once it was commented to me that everyone knew , that the military police , though carrying guns , didn't have any ammunition, imagine their surprise when they found out different, different time and different place in history i guess, because not only could i carry in the performance of my duties a loaded weapon , i could , with the proper authorization , carry while off duty.and we have seen what happens when that is taken away , all 1 has to do is look to Ft Hood, imagine if just one officer of the day , had been armed, what may the outcome have been then? We wont know, because that was taken away when the very people we train to defend the Constitution , and us , the citizens, were deemed not trustworthy, all i can say , is its very sad, i for 1 trust those that have pledged to defend more than i do those that have been elected and have continually shown the trust given them is misplaced.
As for the other "only ones" the Law enforcement establishment, here where I live , most of the local law enforcement understand , that something can happen and basically if seconds count , they are usually minutes if not hours away, so they cant be everywhere at once. Another benefit to where i live , is that the local leo, gets to know the people , kind of like the old days when neighborhoods had beat cops , i remember having just such a beat cop growing up in Mass. the guy retired and everyone in the neighborhood was at his retirement party , don't see that much now adays anymore, back then they, the beat cops knew the folks they worked around , and cared, and frankly , around where i live now , its still somewhat like that , because the leo, gets to know his people. and don't get me wrong , but i understand this is the exception now , not the norm, but this is normal to me , the local and state LEO's all get to know those they can here , and partially out of necessity, , you see , here , they ride alone , and are far from backup, but they know they have it if its needed if they have folks that appreciate the work they do for us , so to them disarmament , is a detriment , because with all the regulations , banning and demonizing , its a greater threat to them to have someone unarmed and willing to help than having to face a real criminal on their own. so maybe this only one thing needs to be rethought , maybe the facts of life and the probability that the human animal isn't all that civilized needs to be looked at , and sometimes the ideal solution doesn't fit with what natures laws will undoubtedly prove out. For those that wonder what I'm talking about , look at the high crime areas anywhere, those areas also usually have the worst registration and bans against self defense and the defense of others, your regulations , laws and bans have simply , made more victims by making it poss able for those intent on it to know they have "easy" victims .
So cry me a river , there is not only 1 that has the god given right to defense , i wont deny you your right to not have to be armed , but i wont stand for you telling me , i have no right to be armed. with that said , what do you think?

1 comment:

EDH said...

From my cold dead hands.