Sunday, November 15, 2009

What is meant by "No Ft Sumters"?

Well, I feel there is a need to explain this. I have been hearing around where i live , a growing displeasure with things going on in the country. and i listen to the grievances , and what all the speaker seems to think should be done.Surprisingly , i use to think myself a bit of a radical in my stances on issues, but some of the things i have heard from some folks really made me pause. I wont go into detail , or quote specifics on what others have said they think on what should be done. What i will say is what i pointed out to them, that IF a Revolution or a separation of the Union is going to happen, then they need to think along the lines of No ft Sumter's, when im asked what that means , i point them to the Sipsey street irregulars blogsite, and the 3%er philosophy , that they wont start it , and in essence that's what no ft sumpters means.
Now Ft Sumpter was the beginning of this country's last HOT civil war , and what i mean by hot is open warfare. and historically , i think its where the south lost the war , and that in itself is very debatable , but if you follow for amoment ill explain
The south felt aggrieved and that they had to do something against whom they thought were a tyrannical federal government , but by firing the first salvos , they became the aggressor. Now think about every war this country has ever fought and won, they did so from the moral high ground , that they didnt start it,and they were defending themselves and for the most part , they always won, again , there are debatable instances throughout all the wars , but for the most part , the reason the feds always won , is THEY got to play on the public , that THEY had been aggrieved and attacked.Same with FT Sumpter, they were attacked , and were given a media goose that laid the golden egg,and they used it to Marshall an army around, Think back to all the war slogans for recruitment , remember the Alamo. the Maine remember pearl harbor. What citizen wouldn't rise up and do their part if this country were attacked? remember 9/11? and the general feeling in this country , all sides were active and wanting to do something, What Patriot wouldn't?
So as i said , i point this stuff out , and point to both whats happened historically , and what if there is going to be a revolution what would need to happen if the worst ever did happen, those participating in the action will need to have the public sympathy and support , and what better way than to appear the victim of TYRANNICAL government .Remember those on Lexington Green were defending themselves , those at the Alamo were defending themselves both went on due to public op pinion to start nations and they did so from the moral high ground of defending themselves.
Now , here is my thought , i don't know if it will come to pass in my lifetime, but when it does , because i see some very dangerous over reaching and belligerence on the part of the powers that be , so my advice is , be the defender , not the agressor , No FT Sumters for them this time.What do you think?

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