Thursday, November 12, 2009

musings on the gungrabbers , and the upcoming SCOTUS case dealing with Chicago

Greetings from Wyoming.
Now normally,I don't read Newsweek , or even some of the other left leaning so called news mags out there, i cant see , throwing money into their coffers to use against me , or to let them be able to spread their messages that firearms are evil .But , this caught my eye about the upcoming SCOTUS case. i will let you read it yourself and let you make your own decisions on where the writers stand.
read it? good. now here is the text of the 2ND Amendment:A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed ,that's how its written,that's it in its entirety.
What the dear writers have failed to mention is that not a mere 41 yrs ago , most people didn't have the regulations or rules that are in place today as far as firearms, and if anything has changed , its the amount of regulation that has been crammed down the peoples throats, in the name of a civilized society, at the cost to the amendment in question. I do not , begrudge , people that wish to think like those that think , the police will always be able to come to their aide , i don't begrudge, those that do not wish to exercise a right one bit, what i do begrudge , is that even in this day and age , people cannot understand simple , plain English
i DO begrudge , that someone thinks that judges can arbitrarily assign new meanings to words , just because for the last 40 yrs , its gone their way, if anything , the present court , has not rewritten the rule book , they have with the Heller decision , followed the rule book , as it was plainly written two hundred and some yrs ago.the right to defend ones self is a god given right , not something the government can say you can and cannot do.
The gun grabbers and banners are rightly worried that their precious unconstitutional laws are under attack , and upon closer look , may very well turn out to be diametrically opposed to the words and meaning in the 2ND, and that they really have no basis to deny anyone the means of defense or property they can own, and i might add lawfully. The upcoming case going before the court , will not only decide if the people of Chicago are being denied their rights , but a more important issue is can the prohibition stated in the amendmentagainst the government, can be used to apply to the states as well, and THAT is what really scares the bejesus out of them , because if so , every state has to go and look at their own laws and bring them into constitutionality. Don't get me wrong , there will be gun laws , there will still be banned guns , but this is but one more little chink in the way the anti gun crowd can get draconian laws and regulations passed. as Bill Clinton was fond of saying in his terms of office , its the economy stupid, something the present holder of office should heed, its the constitutionality stupid , if it cant pass that test , you cant enforce it . Frankly , i say the courts are on the right track and arent rewritting the constitution , they have righted a wrong perpertrated on this countrys citizens.


Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Good stuff, AlfaWolf--I'd missed that NewsWeek op-ed. Typical statist hand-wringing.

jeff.hurd said...

Alpha; my brother when "signing out" of OK clicked on "leave OK", i am attemting to rejoin.