Sunday, January 3, 2010

Musings on some groups

With a new year comes some thoughts, and today i find myself pondering the many different patriot groups that have seem to spring forth.i also am catching myself , looking at what the stated purpose is of these groups and of different political parties.With the diversity of the population I understand that not all groups will be to alls liking.
On the surface many of these groups , are saying the right things to attract people , but as always it is incumbent on the person to do the research as to exactly where any group really stands. Only then can a person decide if that group is correct for them.
Some groups claim to be non partisan, but what is failed to be realized is that even though a group organization can claim that , the members of said group may not be, even if they agree to act in a non partisan fashion, evidence of this is the Tea party groups, some are truly nonpartisan, while others have a definite tone of political party is, and that is something the individual must determine if they can live with.
I have found some groups , that have a very small grass roots start , but on websites claim much more involvement than is really there, especially on a local level, to me having 2 people in a county is not the voice of the people , but is the voice of the individuals, usually claiming to speak for the people , sorry , but they do not speak for me.
Personally , i have and still belong to some organizations that have moved away from what they were , or what i believed them to be at the time, One of these groups , is a national group , I'm a life member , but the politics and outlook of this group no longer fit my beliefs fully, so i choose to no longer fund their actions.That is my choice.

So as you can see , you the reader have to decide , just as i have , on the validity of a group or organization , it is up to you to decide , whether that group fits you , and vice versa, its up to you to decide can you live with what that group stands for , fully , or partially, because remember as part of the group you are but a single voice , and may not have the power to change it , but then again maybe that can happen too, its all in the wind, and the only way you ll ever really know , is to become educated , discuss and think, from there you can plan , formulate and take action. So what do you think?

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